Monday, April 28, 2014


CORRUPT & DODGY SOUTH AFRICAN PRIVATE-HEALTH SYSTEM WITH FAILED MEDICAL JUSTICE EXPOSED BY RAYMOND CHAIT: “LEGAL BARBARIANS” CAUSE A MEDICO-LEGAL DISGRACE Dr Julian M. Rumbak butchered my mouth. Democratic Alliance’s Cape premier - Helen Zille - must keep her promises “to crack private-sector corruption”, in order to collect votes on 7 May 2014… Without fear, I finger alive & thriving apartheid medico-legal corruption: evil efforts by subversive social worker, Mae Navias - together with Dr Gunther Winkler - to silence me, by prescribing medical poisons. Nelson Mandela was locked away, because the apartheid government was afraid of The Truth. I prove that the South African justice system favours the rich, and Truth does not count... DOWNLOAD & FORWARD TO SHARE WITH THE WORLD TRICKS USED BY ‘PRIVATE-PRACTICE’ DOCTORS - TOGETHER WITH THEIR LAWYERS - IN BURYING MEDICAL BOTCH-UPS…  DR JULIAN M. RUMBAK is sheltered by MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY … District Surgeon’s & Doctors’ Reports are PROOF, confirming permanent mouth-damage: Dr Rumbak has damaged THREE other patients (post-operative infection, post-operative sinus problems & incorrect crown fittings); in ONE case, adv. Brian Spilg forced him to admit guilt, with “an out-of-court arrangement”. The presiding judge – Claassen - would NOT permit demonstrating to the court mouth-damage when I chew; he would NOT allow me to spell out damage-details relating to Dr Rumbak’s THREE other victims, which is Relevant Corroborative Evidence, In The Public Interest (The Public has a Right to Know); he shouted at me, and allowed adv. John Suttner (with a nervous shoulder-tic) to ask a ‘leading question’ [“are you telling the court there are only five ‘straight’ doctors in South Africa - all the rest are ‘crooks’?”, when I referred to two doctors’ lies & false medical certificates, resulting in Steve Biko’s murder case being forced open (see below)]. These are pointers to public abuse of legal rules, contrary to proper court procedure: a failed justice system… This same judge treated a burnt-vagina victim with contempt, awarding a negligible pittance; the doctor implicated fled South Africa! The government has an obligatory duty to act NOW!  Judicial Services Commission MUST remove old, arrogant, blatantly-biased, apartheid-mentality judges, who mete out what Americans call “a purchased verdict”…  Dr Rumbak’s defamatory character-assassination report states that I am “an Economics lecturer; a bachelor with psychological problems, living in a Yeoville flat, playing the piano in bars”. Uncanny that Dr Rumbak wanted to book me into hospital for a general anaesthetic to remove splintered tooth-roots. For the record, my Economics students achieved highest marks in national examinations on three occasions; I played The Tusk Bar’s piano at The Palace at Sun City, provided piano-music for Cape Judges at The Five Flies Restaurant, and was pianist during The King of Jordan’s wine-estate visit: This is TRUTH, and not a ‘delusional disorder’, as per Dr David Shevel’s report (see below). By butchering my mouth, Dr Rumbak has stolen my lecturing career; Dr Rumbak has stolen my ability to talk normally; Dr Rumbak has stolen my ability to chew without pain. A lecturer with a broken mouth, is like a prostitute without a bed: it’s “the tool-of-the-trade”! NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE (N.H.I.) must control & regulate ALL doctors, so that ‘private-health’ criminal corruption & fraud is aborted. I uncover a medico-legal conspiracy-of-silence with closing of ranks. I brazenly defied agendas to Death-medicate me (which backfired)…  HEALTH DEPARTMENT HAS NO CONTROL OVER DR RUMBAK, because he is in ‘private practice’, meaning that corrupt, fraudulent & criminal private health is given carte blanche free reign! This laager-mentality (blinkered reasoning) sanctions vestiges of the barbaric, antediluvian apartheid system, and is a perfect example of ‘the right of eminent domain’, where a doctor with a track-record of medical negligence, high blood-pressure, and questionable competency in carrying out delicate procedures, pays whatever it takes to be ‘untouchable’, and above-the-law, because he is in ‘private practice’! Where’s the logic? The ‘right of eminent domain’ is WRONG!  HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL – admitting its failed duty to protect The Public - is aware of Dr Rumbak’s medical negligence history & his character-assassination report: his file is kept in a dark-room! The world would have believed that freedom-fighter, Steve Biko, committed suicide because Dr Ivor Lang & Dr Benjamin Tucker lied, filling in false medical certificates to hide TRUTH. Five brazen doctors (Frances Ames, Professor Phillip Tobias, Trefor Jenkins, Edward Barker & Leslie Robertson) forced the health professions council to re-open the case, proving that Steve Biko was MURDERED by the apartheid security police. The toothless health professions council, whose ridiculous credo is “guiding the professions and protecting the public” MUST BE COMPELLED into an inquiry, by re-opening Dr Rumbak’s negligence history file! This council found Dr Rumbak ‘blameless’, without assessing my mouth-damage. On my insistence, elderly chairman Dr Dreyer, granted a meeting, but forbade my witnesses to testify; he referred to his own pains, which accompanies old age; my butchered mouth is a direct result of Dr Rumbak’s professional negligence. The South African medico-legal system backs negligent doctors; stubborn victims who take a stand, are suffocated into silence by a powerful mafia-network, which uses evil and subversive tactics: 1. Pre-existing condition, in the imagination: using false logic, they try to convince that my broken mouth (ie. trigeminal nerve-damage with neck-muscle spasm, jaw-joint damage and cartilage disruption) caused by Dr Rumbak’s butchered surgery, is a madness! 2. Dispossessing the victim: they try to crack the victim into impotent bankruptcy 3. Paying for FALSE doctors’ reports, to change the physical damage caused by Dr Rumbak’s blatant professional negligence, into a mental illness 4. Pumping the victim with poisonous drugs, and trying to have him shut away in a mental institution… MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY (M.P.S.) - Dr Rumbak’s insurers for medical negligence - IS THE PRINCIPAL, ACCUSED & RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CRIMINAL ACTS OF AGENTS WHO USE EVIL TACTICS, AND MUST BE FORCED TO ACKNOWLEDGE ITS HEINOUS CONDUCT: ROHAN BARRY ISAACS – Dr Rumbak’s cagey-lawyer, representing Deneys Reitz attorneys – intimidated my chief-witness & fingered my sanity, after disrupting an Economics Lecture I was giving: Isaacs threatened “serving an order compelling” me into evaluation by his paid-gun psychiatrist - Dr David Shevel – who concocted a FALSE medical report. The law society protected my lawyer - Peter Soller - at bogus investigations. Disciplinary head, Mr du Plessis, threatened “to have me removed, if I do not keep quiet”. Soller sent Death Threats, and purposely spoilt my case. Judges Bertelsmann & de Villiers struck him off the roll, stating that “Soller is a danger to society”! What is the law society going to do with Rohan Barry Isaacs? Appointing lawyers as guardians of TRUTH, is comparable to wolves protecting sheep! Justice Minister Jeff Radebe is urged to investigate & expose criminally-corrupt legal procedures, medical fraud, and false medical reports issued by a collusive & conspiring medical mafia of ‘private-practice’ doctors. • MAE NAVIAS, a pensioned-off social-worker, who wormed her way back as ‘consultant’ - together with an advocate-wearing-a-skullcap - stands accused of putting a dagger in my soul, by plotting to have me evaluated at a psychiatric facility, which is mental torture; failing that, Navias blackmailed me into evaluation by Dr Gunther Winkler; he was curious to know how I remain “positive, motivated & strong”, then prescribed anti-psychotic drugs – haloperidol & benzhexol – which cause stiffness, shaking & sudden Death: this is the behaviour of a Nazi murderer. Mae Navias – as an accomplice – is as guilty of planned murder as the accused, Dr. Gunther Winkler. At a Religious Ceremony on 29 November 2011, Mae Navias told me that she is “an old lady, and wants to make Peace”. My reply stands: “There will be Peace, after we face TRUTH”! Mae Navias finally stepped down on 28 February 2014.  Helen Zille promised to crack private-sector corruption; her body-guard – Robert MacDonald - cross-examined me at the Civic Centre (as one would with a terrorist) when I presented my grievances relating to medico-legal corruption, fraud, and crime. In a vote-gathering campaign for 7 May 2014 elections, Zille’s Democratic Alliance has the temerity to telephone and sms me for support!  Corruption Watch is too focused on public-sector corruption, allowing private-sector corruption to grow into a thriving cancer. If I accept lawyers’/doctors’ lies - together with their false medical reports, false-logic, and criminal agenda - it makes a mockery of THE TRUTH I taught for 21-years: I would be selling my soul to the devil – over my Dead body! By doing what is Right, and honouring the Law of Tikkun Olam (Healing The World), 100’s of my Students may be proud! I expect NO reward, but I am commanded to make a difference, by opening a road for other medical negligence victims. “Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu” (A person is a person, because of other people). A rabbi tried to explain away my “dangerous” revelations as ‘private’, having nothing to do with my religion, advising me not to allow this to affect my health! My grievances are a Grave Public Worry, because anybody can become the next victimised victim; my grievances have everything to do with my religion, which is based on the Holy Laws of TRUTH. Rabbi Dr Abraham J. Twerski teaches us that Truth=God: They Are Identities - inseparable Siamese Twins! Implicated doctors – who are paid by Dr Rumbak’s legal team, to ‘create’ reports – are not hindered by the Laws of Logic and Truth. The way things stand, people who are maimed by South African doctors in private practice, are traumatised, terrorised, tortured, and tossed into the trash-can if they stand their ground! I will not be intimidated or silenced. I AM ON GOD’S ORDERS, TO HELP ROOT OUT MEDICAL ROT! Jewish Law prescribes a Plain Pine Coffin for rich and poor Jews: when my turn comes, I will have taught Dr Julian M. Rumbak (a fellow Jew) that a doctor is accountable and responsible for his trail of botch-ups.. “Death is stronger than life; but TRUTH is stronger than Death” (Kahlil Gibran). DIE WAARHEID SAL UITKOM, AL BRING KRAAIE DIT UIT! (THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT, EVEN IF CROWS HAVE TO DRAG IT OUT!) VINCIT VERITAS (Latin: The Truth Wins).  To watch video of my butchered mouth & permanent neck-erection, visit search “muscle spasm while chewing”.  Google “raymond chait” to learn more about my 19-year CRUSADE FOR TRUTH, JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS. Feel free to be in touch with me… Raymond Chait (Hons.B.Com.H.E.D.) 082 672 3776 +27 (0) 82 672 3776 29 April 2014.